2011 - 2025

A playful and poetic exploration of the Minoan matrilineal civilization.

From 2011 to 2025, Chabannes inserted numerous allusions to octopodal pictoriality into her work, invoking the idealistic Minoan society whose emblem was the octopus, a master of camouflage and representational strategies. The frequent allusions to polyps in Chabannes' work are also aimed at reflecting on our place in the world in light of the climate crisis and Professor Tim Coulson's recent research findings that octopuses could evolve into the next builders of civilization if humanity goes extinct. Taurokhatapsia is an ongoing project currently funded by revered and spirited private art collections.

Work in Progress - Frescoe (Mural) details - Lime, Tempera and 3D paint

Work in Progress - Hand Painted Ceramic collection

Work in Progress - Hand Painted Ceramic collection

Work in Progress - Hand Painted Ceramic collection

Taurokhatapsia - Large Drawings Collection

Work in Progress - MURAL AND FLOORS - Hand Painted Ceramic collection

Work in Progress - MURALS AND FLOORS - Hand Painted Ceramic collection

Work in Progress - Frescoe. Tempera on Lime

Work in Progress - Hand Painted Ceramic collection

Work in Progress - Hand Painted Ceramic collection

Work in Progress - Frescoe, Tempera and 3D paint on Lime

Work in Progress - Hand Painted Ceramic collection

Work in Progress - Hand Painted Ceramic collection

Work in Progress - Waterocolor on small Wood Panel (Traditional Gesso)

Work in Progress - Hand Painted Ceramic collection

A watercolor and detailed drawing of an octopus arm wraped around an octopus harm wrapped around a bull's horn

Work in Progress - Frescoe, Tempera on Lime

A watercolor and detailed drawing of an octopus arm wraped around a Bull's horn

Work in Progress - Hand Painted Ceramic collection

Frescoe on Limed Wall, tempera and Black Ink (300x300cm)

Frescoe on Limed Wall Section, tempera and ink (300x400cm)

A watercolor and detailed drawing of an octopus arm wraped around a naked woman on sand near the ocean

Frescoe on Limed Wall Section, tempera and ink (300x400cm)

A watercolor and detailed drawing of an octopus arm wraped around an octopus wrapped around a bull's horns

Frescoe on Limed Wall, tempera and ink (300x300cm)

A watercolor and detailed drawing of an octopus arm wraped around an octopus wrapped around a bull's horns
A watercolor and detailed drawing of an octopus arm wraped around an octopus wrapped around a bull's horns


sculpture made of resin, wax, plaster and photographs in a plexiglas box